Free Entry Level Driver Theory Training (ELDT) when you enroll in behind the wheel training!

my time at 160 was well for the most part. great school great students and ms m is and awesome person. however some things can help improve 160 for the student as far as the yard goes ........ my 1st 2 weeks we did no driving really and time for drivivng shouldn't count against students for driving if they are not i seen a few students upset about this issue later down the line around test times. all instructors where great but MARK needs to understand the 160 way because he can be a downer on students at times til he get in trouble got better later but still. other than that great time at 160 and i thank you all. special thanks to grant and ms jessica for the extra tips. see ll of you in the future.

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160 Driving Academy Corporate 160 Driving Academy

  • Two North Riverside Plaza, Suite 2100 Chicago, IL 60606
  • Open Monday-Friday: 8a-430p
  • (877) 350-0884
  • (877) 745-2034