I want to say Thank you to Tee, Tony, Mike, Scott and Robert. Every single one of you helped me successfully complete the program and taught me what I needed. Meeting the other peers and uniting as a family to get through this was a blessing itself. There were days that I doubted if I made the right decision. When those moments happened one of you would step in and reassure me that I did. Taking the time aside to guide me and answer my questions was what I needed. It felt like a family. It made it so much more easier to make me want to keep coming back. We had good days and we had bad days. I just want to make things clear to Mike and Robert, I really wasn’t being stubborn. I just have a unique way of learning and processing. I purposely was not listening to what y’all had to say. When I was in High School I was told this is why I would never be able to be a truck driver. Today at the age of 48 with my Family at 160 Academy in Commerce City we proved, that even someone like me can do it! It really does take hard work, commitment and resilience to make it happen. It also takes the wisdom, smiles and knowledge y’all provide. We all really do learn and process things differently. Thanks for not giving up on me and I’m grateful I didn’t give up! Faith, prayers and family have made me remain a believer! Tee and Tony thank you for being my right and left hands literally when I needed you! I have been wanting to attend 160 Academy for years and I am happy that after researching other schools, I made the right decision by choosing this one! P.S. Thanks for toughening up my skin!
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