Free Entry Level Driver Theory Training (ELDT) when you enroll in behind the wheel training!

Why go anywhere else and waste your money 160 has the best instructors in the yard patient and cool no yelling at you if you can drive a car they can teach you how to safely operate a semi with confidence but first you need to get with Bernie there underrated quarterback of there system he'll put you on the right path making time with each individual that comes in and doesn't treat you like another number and works with you on getting a job as well as paying for your schooling my only regret of going to 160 driving Academy was I should of did it sooner in life so forget about the rest and go with the best .

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160 Driving Academy Corporate 160 Driving Academy

  • Two North Riverside Plaza, Suite 2100 Chicago, IL 60606
  • Open Monday-Friday: 8a-430p
  • (877) 350-0884
  • (877) 745-2034